Showing posts with label Rick Veitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Veitch. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday Madness THE BIG LIE

Before the phrase became indelibly-associated with Don da Con's paranoid delusiona about the 2020 elections...... defined the paranoid delusions of the pre-QAnon nuts who inhabited the internet in the early 2000s about the events of 9/11/2001!
You can read excerpts from the the unverified tale
and buy the comic itself

Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday Madness BEDLAM "Earth Invasion"

Trumpanzees and other conspiracists should read this kick-butt piece...
...and then we'll witness if they feel like going out and shooting someone!

Ready to grab those AR-15s and slaughter the local populace?
Why not, kids?
Wackadoodles have used the "pop culture" causes violence trope for over a half century, from the "comics cause teen crime" insanity of the 1950s to the "violent videos" of the 80s and 90s, to the video games of today.
Think About This: If violent video games (supposedly) cause people to become insane killers, why do countries like Japan, with far more violent video game content, have far less crime (including shootings) than America?

Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Trump Reading Room BEDLAM "Earth Invasion"

Trumpanzees should read this kick-butt piece...
...and then we'll witness if they feel like going out and shooting someone, like their fellow Trumpanzee did in El Paso!
Ready to grab those AR-15s and slaughter the local populace?
Why not?
Wackadoodles have used the "pop culture" causes violence trope for over a half century, from the "comics cause teen crime" insanity of the 1950s to the "violent videos" of the 80s and 90s, to the video games of today.
If violent video games (supposedly) cause people to become insane killers, why do countries like Japan, with far more violent video game content, have far less crime (including shootings) than America?
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
Visit Amazon and Order...

Friday, October 24, 2014

Reading Room SPACEHAWK "Pirates of Uranus"

If there was ever a space adventurer who experienced Halloween ever day of his career, it was...
...with aliens and monsters that even today's special effects would be hard-pressed to match!
If this story from Novelty's Target Comics #10 (1940) looks a little odd, there's a good reason for it.
Archival Press released a SpaceHawk trade paperback in 1978.
Though the book itself featured b/w line art interiors and a color cover, Archival made a deal with Marvel to provide Epic Illustrated a SpaceHawk story in color to accompany an article by Ron Goulart about Basil Wolvertont.
Unfortunately, Epic only gave them 8 pages, so the 10-page story had to be edited to fit the page count.
Be here Monday to see the original longer version of the story.
BTW, the hand-coloring, which was photographically-color separated (they didn't have scanners then), was done by Rick Veitch.
It has a wonderful "organic" feel computer coloring just can't match.