Showing posts with label Lou Morales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lou Morales. Show all posts

Friday, August 24, 2012

Reading Room: SPACE RANGERS "Mad-Man of Mars"

In the '50s you couldn't swing a dead Slime-Cat without hitting an interplanetary policeman... here's the first appearance of Charlton's contribution to the mayhem from Space Adventures #1 (1952)!
At this point, they're called "Space Rangers", but that won't last long.
In #2, the leader, Rex Clive takes top billing on the strip, which is retitled "Rex Clive and His Space Officers".
Then it becomes just "Rex Clive" until it's final appearance in #7.
Ironically, as of #15, Space Adventures began a new strip adapting a hot new tv show...Rocky Jones: Space Ranger!
I don't think Rex Clive would've found that turn of events amusing...
Illustrated by Lou Morales.
The writer is unknown.
And yes, Space Rangers/Space Officers/whatever will be joining Space Squadron and the Space Sentinels in the Reading Room.